Freeze not Fawn


How do you cope with your fears? 📝 Share your thoughts on the comic!

🩷 Meet Naomi, the iconic character from our Sweet Disaster Shirt collection. Despite being a bit of a mess sometimes, she always gives her best shot in any situation. But when panic strikes, she can end up like this.

🌿 Mori Corner: Over the past few years, I've managed to tame my arachnophobia to some extent. As long as I keep my distance, I'm fine. I often find myself relating to Naomi, especially when confronted with spiders. When I see one on the wall, I struggle to squash them because, honestly, I feel like they're paying rent. 😅 So, instead, I opt for the humane route, relocating them outside where there's plenty of bugs to keep them occupied.

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#Naomi #SweetDisaster #Arachnophobia #Fear #Comic #CharacterArt #Humor #MoriCorner #Spiders #Anxiety #FacingFears #InsectPhobia #Funny #Comics #Squarespace #Instagram #Google #Twitter #SocialMedia